Selasa, 04 November 2014

Paragraph Descriptive

Name: Siti Istiqomah
NIM: 1271135
Class: English 2012-A
Moon Orchid (anggrek bulan)
              Angrek bulan (Phalaenopsis amabilis) is a type of orchid (Orchidaceous) which has a characteristic broad petals and white. Although it’s been many moon orchid from crosses orchid (orchid hybrids moon) who have diverse types of patterns and colors. In Indonesia, the moon orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis) was first discovered in the Moluccas. Orchid moon has several regional names such as orchids quarterly (Java and Bali), fly orchid (Maluku), and orchids menur (Java).

Characteristic orchid moon follows:
                The leaves are usually elongated oval with elongated leaves the bone anyway. Characteristic leaf stem or leaf base pinching at the top. This orchid is included in epiphytic orchids and the stems grow well, often thickened and waxy coating protected to prevent excessive evaporation. It has a fibrous root, develop succulent roots and attached to the tree trunk where he grew up, but do not harm the host tree. Its roots are white and round in shape and elongated fleshy feel. The flowers are distinctive and well-shaped compound, emerged from the elongated flower stalks, the leaves emerge from the armpit. The fruit is a capsule-shaped green and when ripe dries and opens from the side. The seeds are very small and lightweight, making it easy to wind.

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