Jumat, 21 November 2014


Choose the best answer from the question bellow!
1.        She will be ...... to Surabaya when she has an enough money.
a.       Go
b.      Going
c.       Goes
d.      Gone
2.        The girls ...... the letter on the table is my sister.
a.       write
b.      Writes
c.       Wrote
d.      Writing
3.        In the distance they saw a ...... horse.
a.       Run
b.      Runed
c.       Running
d.      Runs
4.        Nadia watches ……fish in aquarium every day.
a.       Swim
b.      Swims
c.       Swimming
d.      Swimmer
5.        The boy …... the girls in front of me is my friend.
a.       Wait
b.      Waits
c.       Waiting
d.      Waited
6.        I am …… about the possibility of going to Europe.
a.       Excited
b.      Exciting
c.       Excites
d.      Excite
7.        What kind of noun clause in this sentence “I think she is a good teacher”?
a.       Question
b.      Statement
c.       Exclamation
d.      Request
8.        The Radio was ………. by my brother
a.       Repairs
b.      Repairing
c.       Repaired
d.      Repair
9.        “I believe that he cans do his job well”. What kind of clause is it?
a.       Comment clause
b.      Relative clause
c.       Adverbial clause
d.      Comparative clause
10.    Which one from these sentences that indicate an adverbial clause?
a.       Rina is higher than Fika
b.      I believe that Rinais higher than Fika
c.       Rendi washes his hand before have a breakfast.
d.      Rendy washing his hand.

Please answer the question bellow as far as you know!

11.    What do you know about clause, and mention the type of clause!
12.    What is Nounclause and give an example of noun clause!
13.    Choose one of these sentences which one that indicate the adverbialclause, and explain!
a.       The milk which you bought last night have expired date.
b.      No one believes that the earth is flat.
14.    Please rearrange these sentences to be a comparativeclause!
-          Pecel in Pujasera costs Rp.8000
-          Pecel in kebon Rojo costs Rp.3500
15.    Give me one example of comment clause!
16.    Please rearrange these sentences to be a relativeclause!
-          The man buys the car
-          He wins the lottery
17.    What do you know about presentparticiple and give one example!
18.    What is the function of pastparticiple and choose one of them and give one example from that function?
19.    What do you know about commentclause, give me one example!
20.    Create one sentence by using comparative clause!

Kamis, 13 November 2014

my report text


Forest is overgrown terrain in many trees and has a high humidity due to the thick foliage. Forest is very important to an ecosystem survival, because the forest in addition as storage of water in the roots of plants or trees is also useful to protect the earth from pollution of the air pollution.
Forest is very important to be guarded because if the forest to bare or extinct it will be a major threat to the world. The world will feel the heat due to the air that has been contaminated by pollution without renewal of oxygen carried by the foliage by means of photosynthesis. Extinct forest will also be fatal because it can cause flash floods. The roots of trees originally as water storage have gone. So that the water will continue to flow to the lower ground with a very high rate without any obstacle anymore so there was a puddle of water that overflowed and there flooding because river was full capacity. Therefore it is important to keep the world safe for the sake of the ecosystem.